The Annual price for a Regular TRAFFIX Bus Pass for 2024-2025 is:
High School Bus Passes: $632
Middle and Elementary Bus Passes: $565
TRAFFIX bus service is primarily funded through a Contra Costa County 1/2 cent sales tax. Funding is dependent on sales tax revenues.
Operating costs are rising for goods and services, including for the buses, gas, bus driver pay, etc.
Bus pass sales currently cover about 17% of the program’s operating costs. Given the current sales tax revenue and increasing operating costs, a bus pass price increase is necessary to keep the program viable without reducing service.
Full bus pass waivers will still be available for all eligible students, through a State-funded home-to-school transportation program that was passed by the legislature in 2023.
A multi-year rate increase schedule was approved by the TRAFFIX Board back in the 2019-2020 school year, just prior to the pandemic, to address the long-term viability of the program. It was paused because of the pandemic, using reserves to balance the budget. Therefore, rates have not been raised since before the pandemic, which is no longer sustainable.